Snore Stop Laser


You will be able to tell the difference between snoring and snoring if you have a partner or are a victim.

Snoring is when air cannot flow freely through your nose or mouth during sleep. This happens because your soft palate, tongue, and throat are strained and relax. Snoring is caused by the soft palate fluttering.

The Australian Sleep Health Foundation estimates that 40% of men and 30% women will snore occasionally. Obstructive sleep apnea is a serious condition that causes breathing problems. It can be linked to high blood pressure and heart attacks, strokes, and other conditions.

These are the main causes of snoring:

  • Your anatomy and nasal airways.
  • Natural aging and declining collagen (loss in tissue tone)
  • Being male;
  • Consuming alcohol or sedatives can relax the throat muscles.
  • Smoking can increase inflammation and fluid buildup in the lungs.
  • A cold or allergy with nasal congestion
  • The position of a person sleeping can cause obstruction to the airways.
  • Obstructing airways can be caused by being overweight, or having a thick neck.

While some of these factors can sometimes be addressed by lifestyle changes and adjustments to your sleeping posture, snoring is a common problem. However, some sufferers may need to resort to more painful and invasive treatments, such as surgery or uncomfortable mouth splints. These options have varying degrees of success.

A new laser procedure can treat the main cause of snoring. Academy Laser Clinics has developed the V2LR Carbon Dioxide CO2 laser. This is used to tighten and regenerate mucosal surfaces. It can also be used on the soft palate. This Snore Stop Laser tightens and reduces vibrations, and decreases snoring intensity. Our patients’ lives have been changed by the results.

Snore Stop Laser is an easy, painless, and comfortable treatment that can be done in a few minutes. The treatment takes just 15 minutes, and patients can resume their daily activities right away.


Snore Stop Laser is an effective treatment for those who suffer from the effects of snoring. Nearly all patients will notice a significant improvement in their symptoms after completing the recommended 4 treatments.

There are people who might not be suitable candidates. It is important to set realistic expectations based on your age, weight and social-habits as well as the severity of your snoring. These will all be discussed during your first consultation before you decide whether to proceed with treatment.


The cause and severity factors of your snoring will vary, but almost all our patients notice a significant reduction in their symptoms. After 4 consecutive Snore Stop Laser treatments, 80% of patients will notice a 75% decrease in their snoring.

As the thermal damage causes soft-palate shrinkage, you should see an improvement within a few days. The collagen remodelling process results in tissue tightening and density improvements that last for 30 days. This can be continued for up to one-year.


The CO2 technology used by Snore Stop Laser is the best in skin tightening. The CO2 laser has a distinct advantage over other lasers in that it produces more heat which causes tissue to contract. The V2LR laser, which is used exclusively by Snore Stop Laser, offers the “D Pulse”, a unique pulse that can be used to rejuvenate and tighten mucosal surfaces.

Through thousands of tiny “Dots”, the treatment delivers maximum heat to the tissue. This results in rapid healing and minimal discomfort. It usually takes 4 treatments to achieve good coverage.

Each treatment will reduce the intensity of snoring and collagen remodeling will continue for at least a year. Click here to read “The Science”.


Initial Consultation:

Our Physician will meet you to discuss your concerns and snoring symptoms. The Physician will inspect you and run through the Stop-Bang questionnaire. Finally, the physician will assess your Mallampati score. This is a visual measurement of how far your tongue base is from your roof and the space available for work. High Mallampati scores (classes 3 and 4) are associated with more complex Snore Stop Laser treatments. They also tend to be more likely to have sleep apnea.

You can start your first treatment right away if you have been deemed suitable for Snore Stop Laser. No preparation is required.


Snore Stop Laser is an easy and quick procedure that takes only 15 minutes to prepare and treat. To ensure complete coverage, we recommend four treatments spread over three months.

After drying the mouth, the laser will be used to lightly rub the soft palate. Although the treatment takes a moment to heat up, it is fairly painless. A numbing spray or lozenge can be used before treatment if you prefer. This image shows the Snore Stop Laser treating soft palate.


The treatment is painless and patients can resume their daily activities as soon as possible. There should be a slight tightening of your throat and an opening of the airways. After the last treatment, collagen remodelling continues for six to twelve months.


Snore Stop Laser is a treatment that will gradually reduce snoring. The best results are achieved after the fourth treatment. They last for at least one year. The success or inability to continue the treatment will depend on the patient’s soft palate.

There are times when snoring may still occur, but not as intensely, depending on whether you drink, are overweight, have allergies, or have a cold.

Patients may snore again as aging tends relax tissue (including the soft palette). These patients will benefit from yearly re-treatments to prolong the benefits of Snore Stop Laser.

The Snore Stop Laser has no known side effects. Patients can have as many treatments as necessary to relieve their snoring.


The initial consultation is $100. Medicare rebates of up to $70 are available for those who qualify. Consultation with an ENT specialist may be required. Your consultation might cost more.

These are the prices for Snore Stop Laser at Academy Laser Clinics:

  • Single treatment: $600
  • $1,700 prepaid to purchase three treatment packages (suitable for certain patients).
  • Prepay $2,000 for the 4 recommended treatment packages (4 weeks apart).
  • $400 for additional treatments following a 3 or 4 treatment package

The Snore Stop Laser treatment is not covered by Medicare or private insurance.

For more information on this treatment and to be eligible for current promotions, please contact us by phone or online.


There are many options for treating snoring.

  • Children usually find it very easy to remove the tonsils or adenoids.
  • Adults can have their tonsils and uvula removed. Unfortunately, this can be painful and not always successful.
  • A septoplasty can help to clear a blocked nose, but it’s not a guarantee.
  • While dental devices that keep the lower jaw/tongue back from falling during sleep are useful, they must be worn each night. Some people don’t like wearing a mouthguard in bed.
  • A special mask (CPAP), can be used at night to aid breathing in severe cases of sleep apnea. This mask is extremely effective in relieving symptoms and may even be necessary for some people. It must be worn all night. Many people find it uncomfortable.

Snore Stop Laser is a non-invasive, quick and effective treatment that can reduce snoring.

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