Laser stands for Light Amplification through Stimulated Radiation. Laser light is monochromatic and collimated. Lasers are devices that produce such a light. Some physiotherapists use low-level laser therapy to treat musculoskeletal conditions. LLLT generates a single light wavelength. It is a noninvasive treatment. It does not emit heat, vibration, or sound. Also known as biostimulation or photobiology. It is believed that LT affects the function of connective tissues (fibroblasts), speeds up connective tissue repairs, and acts as an anti-inflammatory. In the treatment of musculoskeletal problems, lasers are used with wavelengths ranging from 632 to 904.

The wavelengths between 660nm and 905nm can penetrate the skin and soft/hard tissue. This light has a positive effect on inflammation, Pain, and tissue repair. [1]

High Power Laser Therapy (HPLT) is a laser therapy with a power output greater than 500 mW (0.5 Watts). This laser therapy falls under the class IV (Class III lasers) in the USA. HPLT produces heat on the skin’s surface due to its higher power density. LEDs are often referred to as “Cold Lasers” since they don’t create a heat sensation during treatment. [2]

Effects of LT

The LLLT has a number of effects that are useful for physiotherapy and can be used to complement other therapies, such as therapeutic exercises.

  • Reduction of Inflammation can take place within hours or days. [1]
  • Pain relief
  • LLLT accelerates tissue regeneration by stimulating cell proliferation in fibroblasts, keratinocytes, endothelial and lymphocyte cells. [6] [7]


In physiotherapy, LT can be used to reduce inflammation and Pain.

The conditions that are treated include

  • Osteoarthritis in the hip and ankle
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • TMD [8],
  • Shoulder Impingement Syndromes
  • Hip Shoulder Bursitis
  • Low back disc degeneration
  • Herniation of the disc
  • Sciatica
  • neuropathic Pain[9]
  • Tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Reduced volume and Pain associated with lymphedema[10]


The 2017 systematic review found that LLLT was an effective treatment for adult patients suffering from musculoskeletal Pain. The researchers also found that adhering to the World Association of Laser Therapy dosages (WALT) improved effectiveness. [12]

According to a 2017 review entitled “Effective Treatment Options for Musculoskeletal Pain in Primary Care: A Systematic Overview of Current Evidence,” the evidence regarding laser therapy’s effectiveness for neck pain, shoulder pain, and acute or chronic Pain in the shoulders was inconclusive. Low-level laser therapy can be beneficial for knee pain, especially when combined with exercise or surgery. [13]


According to the North American Association for Laser Therapy, contraindications are:

  • Eyes: Avoid aiming laser beams at the eyes. Everyone should wear safety glasses.
  • Cancer Do not treat the site of a primary carcinoma or a secondary metastasis unless a patient is undergoing chemotherapy, when LLLT may be used to reduce side effects like mucositis. Cancer patients who are terminally ill can benefit from LLLT for palliative purposes.
  • Pregnancy: Do not apply directly to the developing fetus.
  • People with epilepsy: Be aware of the possibility that low-frequency pulsed visible lights (30Hz) could trigger seizures in photosensitive patients. The adverse effects reported by patients who were exposed to placebo devices during trials are no different than those of LLLT.


A literature search using PubMed, EMBASE, and Web of Science was conducted on April 2, 2019, by searching for [(sebaceous Hyperplasia)] as well as [(laser[s], Xe: Cl, Excimer (Argon), Ruby, Alexandrite or Nd: YAG).

Laser hair treatment risks

Blisters can be more common in people with darker complexions. A rare side effect can be the hair treated turning gray or more hair growing in the area treated.

Do not let an unlicensed technician handle your project. It would help if you only went to someone who you trust. Check the credentials of any doctor or technician who will be performing laser hair removal.


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