Laser skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing is a non-surgical procedure that deals with minor skin problems like scars, wrinkles, discolorations. It leaves the skin spotless and youthful. Beautiful and healthy skin can sometimes be hidden under a coat of scars, sunburns and other unwanted marks and scars, hence the need to do resurfacing.

The procedure removes unwanted damaged skin one layer at a time. A short concentrated beam of light is applied at the damaged skin part. The heat breaks down the unwanted skin cells in such a way that it can be absorbed and gotten rid of through the bloodstream. During the process the outer layer, called the epidermis, is removed leaving the underlying skin looking supple and attractive. For those with sensitive skin, sometimes redness and a little swelling may be experienced but that can be controlled by regularly keeping your skin moisturized

Laser skin resurfacing has the amazing ability to treat blood vessel and pigmentation without a torturous procedure involving syringes and blood. The entire laser resurfacing process is absolutely blood free. Fresh new skin cells are brought to the surface as old, dry surface skin is tenderly shed off, resulting to a youthful look. Wrinkles, tattoos, sun damage and every other skin flaw can be taken care of permanently, leaving a flawless, firm skin.

Laser skin resurfacing also triggers the growth of fibers that compact your skin and strengthen the connective tissues found on your face. This is visible during the healing process as the skin reconnects itself.

After treatment the skin normally heals evenly, therefore ensuring an even skin tone without leaving alternating dark and light patches. Even if only a section of the face has been worked on, when healing the new skin will even out with the rest of the face. The blend is so fine you cannot tell what part was resurfaced. Things to avoid as the skin heals include smoking and trying our new cosmetics as this will prolongs the healing time.

By doing laser skin resurfacing, you are reducing the number of bad cells on the skin such as numerous dead cells that can accumulate on the skin surface over time. Another important benefit is that by reducing the number of dead cells on the skin, you also reduce the chance of being affected by skin cancer. The newer cells released have much less DNA damage, and hence less mutations which is mostly what leads to cancer. Numerous scientific studies have proven this fact. Laser skin resurfacing is safe and trusted way to enjoy a smooth skin and regain skin vitality.

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