Genital Reconstruction Surgery: The Best Hair Removal Methods

In recent years, surgical techniques have significantly advanced, providing the best possible outcome for patients. Moreover, pre-operative hair removal is required for most types of genital reconstructive surgery, including vaginoplasty and penile inversion. Therefore, patients need to undergo hair removal treatment before surgical treatment.

In this post, we discuss the essential aspects of hair removal before vaginoplasty and will give you tips on how to get the most out of your hair removal treatment. 

Is Hair Removal Required for Vaginoplasty?

Yes, hair removal is necessary prior to vaginoplasty in order to avoid potential hair-related complications in the future. In this case, the skin patch used to construct the neovaginal cavity must be hair-free.

One of the most common complications of hair growth within the neovaginal cavity is that it can cause infections, mainly due to hair growth that traps moisture, soap, and secretions.

Moreover, the skin lining the vaginal cavity will not be accessible for hair removal post-vaginoplasty. Hence, pre-operative hair removal methods are typically required for procedures including penile inversion, penile preservation, and peritoneal vaginoplasty procedures. This is because using hair-bearing skin in vaginoplasty can result in hair growth post-surgery over the vagina and urethra, which can cause irritation, infections, and the formation of hairballs.

In some cases, hair removal can be possible after surgery in areas where it can be removed with tweezers. Moreover, the surgeon may be able to cauterise the hairs surgically. However, finding a qualified medical professional to do this can be difficult, and the experience may be unpleasant. Hence doctors recommend undergoing hair removal procedures before the surgery.

Electrolysis vs. Laser Hair Removal

Hair removal before genital reconstructive surgery is a crucial step during preparation for this treatment. So, which hair removal method is better to prepare for surgery? Let us take a quick look.

  • Laser hair removal: This is a popular method to get rid of body hair. Specifically, laser hair removal is a method of hair reduction and not permanent hair removal. It does not reduce the number of hair follicles, as electrolysis does. Instead, it reduces the number of hairs by damaging the follicular bulb, while the follicle remains intact. This method uses light energy to selectively target dark, coarse hairs. The pigment in dark hairs absorbs the light produced by the laser, transforming it into heat, thereby damaging the hair follicle. 
  • Electrolysis: This hair removal method is the only permanent hair removal technique approved by the US FDA and has been used since the late 1800s. This process involves delivering an electric current with a fine needle-shaped probe to destroy the stem cells in the follicle’s bulge. One of the most significant advantages of electrolysis is that unlike laser hair removal, which can only target dark-coloured hairs on lighter-coloured skin, it can be effectively used on all hair colours and shades of skin. In addition, electrolysis has been commonly used for gender-affirming surgery as it is the only permanent hair removal method available.

The Verdict

Electrolysis is the only permanent hair removal method and has been successfully used to remove hair prior to genital reconstructive surgery for decades. However, it is best to consult your physician prior to starting your hair removal treatment. 

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